Saturday, July 5, 2008

my 4th of July

We went to Lake Van for fireworks this year (me and Kevin) It was so much better than last year I'll say. My mom's computer doesnt upload videos from a camera for some reason or I would post them, cuz I got some really good videos. Its hard to get pictures of fireworks by the way lol

I loved this one. There were more V's but this was my fav
It doesnt look very high but it was

Me and Kevin after we got home.
We were pooped.
We went to his parents' house after the show because they shot off some too. I did not want to stay long. His uncle's "fiance" and some of her family were there drunk of their butts. Shes only 18 by the way. I get very irritated with her. She has 2 kids 2 yr old i think and a 9 month old that she doesnt really even take care of. Kevin's uncle and her are supposed to be getting married today haha. His 2nd wife.
THen his mother.. followed me around everywhere I went. I was thinking.. "i need to breathe!!" I finally said Kevin Im tired lets go haha. Thank goodness he was too.
The fireworks were great though and I had fun, cept for the spanish music they played. HELLOOO your holiday is on may 5! hehe


debi9kids said...

That is a great photo of you 7 Kevin. Very sweet!
BTW I think you got great shots of the fireworks!

Tonya Staab said...

Wow I can't believe his Uncle's fiance. For someone your age, I think it's fabulous you recognize what she's doing wrong at her age. It will make you a better parent.

Great photo of you and Kevin. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time and you got some great shots of the fireworks.